Modartzy Designs
I like to describe myself as a colorist primarily, then an artist. I have a degree in Interior Design and a passion for all things aesthetically sublime. Since creating unique & inviting color palettes has always been a passion of mine, transitioning those skills to artistic expression was a natural step. I work predominantly with acrylic paints but have been known to use inks, resin & paper as well. My multistep process involves the creation of the original piece which I then photograph and edit to produce new versions of the original for printing purposes. Creating modern abstract art invigorates me. My hope is that it stirs an emotional response through its alluring fusion of color, shape & design for the viewer.

Jamie Gibbons
When I was little I was regularly reprimanded for sculpting my mashed potatoes instead of eating them. Now I sculpt paint, spreading it thick with brush and palette knife. Saturated, juicy textures call out to me – the layering of sumptuous earth tones into quiet light and shadow, the empty spaces where grain and character show through.
I collect materials that have their own prior life – reclaimed wood, unfinished cabinet doors, weathered cedar shingles, and more – and choose the story to tell based on the qualities of the surface. Forgotten pieces in the grass and sand and salvaged from discard piles get added to the ever-growing “I could paint on this” collection that is slowly taking over my Boston-area studio.
I am 60% daydreaming of late afternoon sun, 30% calm of the quiet in my studio, and 10% strong coffee.

Andy Levine
I seek out dramatic angles and depth. Long roads or hallways draw me in by their mystery. Bodies of water seduce me with their vastness and hope. Architecture rises above, taunting me to fill a frame with intentionally placed lines and textures. Cities provide chances around every corner. All of these elements, and their interactions with each other, inspire me to create and share my view of this world.

Matt DeNardo
I grew up with film and, despite switching to digital nearly twenty years ago, still shoot with the deliberateness of that upbringing. I look for what’s interesting right where I am. This has led me to be a photography generalist as I photograph people, landscapes, cityscapes, sports, plants, wildlife, and anything else that catches my attention. I shoot or edit in a variety of styles, from the ultra-sharp detail of realism to the blurred streaks of color of the abstract. The one commonality throughout the process is finding that good light or being willing to make it.